Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

Catatan Subjunctive

Subjunctive dibagi ke dalam 3 kelompok besar, yaitu:

 (1) Subjunctive (hope)
      a) Future Subjunctive
      b) Present Subjunctive
      c) Past Subjunctive

 (2) Subjunctive if only
      a) Present Subjunctive
      b) Past Subjunctive

 (3) Subjunctive would rather (preference)
      a) Present Subjunctive
      b) Past Subjunctive

Catatan Penting:
 *) pada subjunctive haruslah ada wish/wishes dan S1 (siapa saja yang berharap). Jika I, you, we, they maka wish. Jika he, she, it, maka wishes.
 *) Saat fakta dalam keadaan kalimat positif maka, subjunctive dalam keadaan kalimat negatif, begitu pun sebaliknya.
 *) Kata was diganti dengan were.

 Di Subjunctive (hope) terbagi dalam 3 tensis,


Sesuai dengan ruang lingkup materi, kalimat subjunctive yang diperkenalkan dalam hal ini adalah kalimat yang menngunakan ‘wish’ (ingin), ‘if only’ (jika, hanya jika), ‘would rather’ (lebih suka), dan ‘as if’ atau ‘as though’ (seolah-olah). Kalimat subjunctive yang menggunakan ‘wish’, ’if only’, dan ‘would rather’ digunakan untuk menyatakansuatu keinginan. Sedang kalimat subjunctive yang menggunakan ‘as if’ atau ‘as though’ digunakan untuk menyatakan sifat atau keadaan yang tidak benar adanya. Kata kerja atau ‘ to be’ yang digunakan dalam kalimat subjunctive selalu dalam bentuk Past Tense, baik Simple Past maupun Past Perfect tense.

a. Present Subjunctive
Kalimat subjunctive ini menunjukan keadaan sekarang. Kata kerja yang digunakan selalu dalam bentuk Simple Past Tense. To be untuk semua kata ganti adalah ‘were’. Contoh:
1. I wish she were here.
(Faktanya : She isn’t here)
2. He wishes I went to the meeting.
(Faktanya : I don’t go to the meeting)
3. If only they were my friends.
(Faktanya : They aren’t my friends)
4. If only hi didn’t ask me.
(Faktanya : He ask me)
5. I would rather you told me the news.
(Faktanya : You don’t tell me the news)
6. He behaves as is the were the owner of the hotel.
(Faktanya : He isn’t the owner of the hotel)
7. She stares at me as though she didn’t know me.
(Faktanya : She knows me)

b. Past Subjunctive
Past subjunctive menunjukan pada keadaan waktu lampau. Kata kerja yang digunakan bentuknya Past Perfect Tense. Contoh:
1. I wish she had been here.
(Faktanya : She wasn’t here)
2. He wishes I had gone to the meeting.
(Faktanya : I didn’t go to the meeting)
3. If only they had been my friends.
(Faktanya : They were not my friends)
4. If only he hadn’t asked me.
(Faktanya : He asked me)
5. She would rather he had been at home with her yesterday.
(Faktanya : He wasn’t at home with her yesterday)
6. I would rather you had told me the news.
(Faktanya : You didn’t tell me the news)
7. He behaves as if he had been the owner of the hotel.
(Faktanya : He wasn’t the owner of the hotel)
8. She stared at me as though she hadn’t known me.
(Faktanya : She knew me)